Arduino Based High Altitude Balloon Tracker


Arduino Based High Altitude Balloon Tracker


The project is known as Ferret which uses a GPS tracker along narrow band RF tracker in a balloon payload with the possibility of tracking the balloon and tuning up the frequency.


The device does not have any in-flight tracking other than the GSM tracking systems contained in the main payload which requires a simple and quick RF tracker. The tracking system comprises of Arduino board containing Radiometrix NTX2 narrowband FM module and an EM-406a GPS. The NMEA sentences output from the GPS unit is simply parsed by the Arduino and then transmitted over the radio after formatting them into a string. To help track the balloon, several people are tuned in with broadcast frequency of 434.650MHz. A yagi antenna is used for tracking above 24km.

The design shows that the ferret was covered in foam for some thermal and moisture protection while being strapped to the outside of the main payload. Covering the payload in foam was thermally adequate as indicated by the very low frequency drift of the radio during flight.

Four AA Energizer Lithium cells regulated to 5V by the onboard Arduino regulator are used as the power supply.

