the basic electrical, electronics and radio concepts that are the basis for today's technology

There are a number of basic concepts that form the foundations of today's electronics and radio technology. Electrical current, voltage, resistance, capacitance, and inductance are a few of the basic elements of electronics and radio.

Apart from current, voltage, resistance, capacitance, and inductance, there are many other interesting elements to electronic technology. While some can become quite complicated, it is nevertheless possible to gain a good understanding of them without delving into the complicated depths of these topics.

Current is one of the elements that is at the very core of electrical and electronic science.
- The basics of current

Voltage, potential difference and electro-motive force and all similar concepts but they have slightly different meanings. Often they may be used interchangeably, but an understanding of the basic concepts behind voltage, potential difference and electro-motive force along with their applications is at the core of electrical, electronics and radio technology.
- The basics of voltage

Resistance and resistors are one of the most fundamental elements in an electronis circuit. The relationship between resistance, voltage and current is governed by Ohms Law, a simple and yet very important relationship between the three quantities.
- What is resistance and Ohms Law
- Resistors in series and parallel

Capacitance is another basic concept that is at the core of electonics circuits.
- The basics of capacitance
- Capacitive reactance

The power in an electrical circuit is of great importance. It is disspated as heat and high power circuits obvioulsy need to be large to handle this heat wheras ones dissipating lower levels of pwoer can be muh smaller.
- The basics of electrical power

Information and overviews about transformers, how they work and what their uses are in electronics
- Transformer basics


