The Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics
This book presents these experiments, beginning with the discoveries of the neutron and positron, and following them through mesons, strange particles, antiparticles, and quarks and gluons. This second edition contains new chapters on the W and Z bosons, the top quark, B-meson mixing and CP violation, and neutrino oscillations. This book provides an insight into particle physics for researchers, advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
Introduction to Mathematics of Satisfiability
The book first deals with logic fundamentals, including the syntax of propositional logic, complete sets of functors, normal forms, the Craig lemma, and compactness. It then examines clauses, their proof theory and semantics, and basic complexity issues of propositional logic. The final chapters on knowledge representation cover finite runs of Turing machines and encodings into SAT.
Thermodynamik des Kraftfahrzeugs
Das Buch verknüpft die theoretischen Grundlagen und ihre mathematische Darstellung mit den Anwendungsgebieten in der Kraftfahrzeugtechnik. Viele spezifische Beispiele für Kraftfahrzeugingenieure und Studenten erleichtern das Verständnis und die praktische Anwendung des Grundlagenwissens.
Spectral Analysis of Signals
The text presents an introduction to spectral analysis that is designed for either course use or self-study. Clear and concise in approach, it covers both classical and modern approaches of spectral analysis. Topics covered include nonparametric spectrum analysis (both periodogram-based approaches and filter-bank approaches), parametric spectral analysis using rational spectral models (AR, MA, and ARMA models), parametric methods for line spectra, and spatial (array) signal processing. Analytical and MATLAB-based computer exercises are included to develop both analytical skills and hands-on experience.
Radioactive Waste Disposal at Sea
Public Ideas, Transnational Policy Entrepreneurs, and Environmental Regimes
Examines regime theories, presenting an empirical study of global ocean dumping and regulation of ocean disposal of low-level nuclear waste. DLC: Radioactive waste disposal in the ocean.
Mobile Marketing
Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Wireless Technology
The integration of the Internet, mobility and communications at the device, service and transport level has created a new set of business opportunities.
Mobile marketing has become a mainstream marketing tool and marketers must now identify and reach their mobile audience. This book is designed to teach marketeers how to tap into this potential.
E-agriculture and E-government for Global Policy Development
Implications and Future Directions
Microoptics and Nanooptics Fabrication
Documenting the state of the art in fabrication processes, Microoptics and Nanooptics Fabrication provides an up-to-date synopsis of recent breakthroughs in micro- and nanooptics that improve key developmental processes. This text elucidates the precise and miniaturized scale of today’s fabrication methods and their importance in creating new optical components to access the spectrum of physical optics. It details successful fabrication techniques and their direct effect on the intended performance of micro- and nanooptical components.
Wired for Innovation
How Information Technology is Reshaping the Economy
They argue that the companies with the highest level of returns to their technology investment are doing more than just buying technology; they are inventing new forms of organizational capital to become digital organizations. These innovations include a cluster of organizational and business-process changes, including broader sharing of information, decentralized decision-making, linking pay and promotions to performance, pruning of non-core products and processes, and greater investments in training and education.
Service Robotics and Mechatronics
Service Robotics and Mechatronics discusses the increasingly sophisticated technologies that are able to take human psychology and movement into account in order to support mankind both at work and at home. Mechatronics can also be used in the reconstruction or restoration of various environments which we rely upon to survive; for example the reconstruction of a city after an earthquake, or the restoration of polluted waters.
CWTS: Certified Wireless Technology Specialist Official Study Guide
Exam PW0-070. Real-world scenarios that put what you've learned in the context of actual job roles Challenging review questions in each chapter to prepare you for exam day Exam Essentials, a key feature in each chapter that identifies critical areas you must become proficient in before taking the exam
Case studies and demo software on the CD to further facilitate your learning
A handy tear card that maps every official exam objective to the corresponding chapter in the book, so you can track your exam prep objective by o
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