Create sixth (6th) sense using Webcam, Projector, Mobile phone and the Internet!!!


A web cam, mirror attached projector, and a smart mobile phone with internet connection is all what we need to create sixth sense using internet. Mobile phone with internet connection is kept in the pocket. The web cam and the mirror attached projector are interconnected using a string which goes around our neck. Web cam detects the motion of our fingers wound with red, green, blue and yellow colour bands.

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How does it work?

Suppose we would like to email our friend. In order to do that we have to move our colour band wound fingers in a predefined manner. The web cam detects the finger motion and is compared with the predefined and stored motion patterns.

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Finger motion patterns are mapped with specific commands. The commands are executed when the web cam detects a finger motion pattern and is found matching with the stored patterns. Colour bands are used for the accurate definition and detection of the finger motion patterns.

As soon as the web cam detects a matching finger motion pattern, you can project your computer’s or mobile phone’s screen on to any surface that you want. It can be:

screenonhand 163x300 Create sixth (6th) sense using Webcam, Projector, Mobile phone and the Internet!!!

(i)Screen projected on hand

screenonwall Create sixth (6th) sense using Webcam, Projector, Mobile phone and the Internet!!!

(ii) Screen projected on wall

screenontable 300x126 Create sixth (6th) sense using Webcam, Projector, Mobile phone and the Internet!!!

(iii) Screen projected on table

Now we can type and send the email! So simple isn’t it?

In the same fashion you can take pictures using your mobile phone with your colour band wearing finger motions. MNCs have taken up this idea and have started developing stuff like WUW (Wear Your Word) etc.

