Rangkaian Subwoofer Filter circuit


Rangkaian Subwoofer FilterSkema Rangkaian Subwoofer Filter

Here is the ambit diagram of an opamp based subwoofer filter. Audio frequencies beneath 200Hz are advised to be in the subwoofer range. So a subwoofer clarify will be about a low canyon clarify with a cut off abundance of 200Hz.The alive of this beeline advanced ambit is as follows.

The larboard approach of the audio antecedent is affiliated to the non-inverting ascribe of opamp U1 which is active as a buffer. Opamps U2 and U3 forms a aerial canyon filter. Achievement of U1 is accompanying the ascribe of this aerial canyon clarify .The aerial canyon filtered audio arresting accessible at the achievement of U3 represents larboard approach output. Similarly the appropriate approach of the audio antecedent is affiliated to the non-inverting ascribe of U8 which active as a absorber amplifier. The achievement of U8 is affiliated to the ascribe of the aerial canyon clarify formed by opamps U9 and U10. The filtered audio arresting accessible at the achievement of U10 represents the appropriate approach audio output.

Output of U1 and U8 are accompanying to the inverting ascribe of the opamp U4.U4 performs the job of bond the two signals. Achievement of U4 is accompanying to the ascribe of the low canyon clarify absolute of opamps U5 and U6.The low canyon clarify has a cut off abundance of 200Hz.The achievement of the clarify is accompanying to the inverting ascribe of opamp U7 through the POT R22. U7 works as an achievement amplifier and POT R22 can be acclimated for adjusting the gain. The audio arresting accessible at the achievement of U7 represents the subwoofer output.

