LC Meter Based on the AVR Microcontroller


LC Meter Based on the AVR Microcontroller

Calculates and displays L and C from oscillation frequency using reference components. This instrument requires two precision components: A precision capacitor and a precision inductor. You only need to start with one precision component, either the reference capacitor or the reference inductor, and using this meter, you can select or adjust the other precision component. In my case, I used a pretty high accuracy BK Precision inductance/capacitance meter and sorted through piles of inductors and capacitors to find those that had the lowest error. I then used those parts, a 1 millihenry inductor and a 0.01 microfarad capacitor, in this meter. The basis of this project is several similar projects on the world wide web and some magazine articles before the world wide web was a common means of information interchange. Unfortunately, I am not able to determine the originator(s) of the concept, but I suspect that it is as old as radio. Another project on my web site, LC Determination by Resonant Frequency Measurement, measures the resonant frequency of an L/C circuit, but the hardware stops at the frequency measurement. It does not proceed to calculate the unknown inductance or capacitance.

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