4066 Quad Switch Based Noise Box


4066 Quad Switch Based Noise Box


The gating properties of the 4066 Quad Switch is the basis of this Noise Box which aims to produce a truly horrible sound/noise that is amplified by an LM324 Quad op-amp.


The use of 4066 for gating signals is for controlling the switches which are very sensitive to the electro-magnetic fields of the body and other objects known as Theremin. When something is near the antennas attached to the pins during operation, the switches get confused and start triggering. The positive and negative signal is split and routed to separate switches on the IC. A switch based patch feeds on the gated output of the 4066 IC and distributed to the various configurations of the op-amps.

A stereo signal or 2 separate signals can be used for this particular device which has a triangle, integral, difference, and summing/fixing shaper configuration. The output of the op-amps will be mixed by routing to another switch bank and the output set of RCA jacks allows sound to flow.

Most of the space is occupied by the 2 sets of 9V batteries which provide the power to the device. Instead of perfboard, it uses point-to-point connection.

