The tiny printed circuit board designed for this circuit is shown in figure 3. It is not double-sided as this was found to be unnecessary. Construction is thereby simplified and readers who do not buy the board through our EPS service (tut-tut) will find it easier to make themselves. Building the circuit is simply a matter of fitting the components onto the printed circuit board. The coils, often a source of much teeth-gnashing and hair-pulling, will not be a problem in this case. Two of them, Ll and L2, are made by winding 3.5 turns of enamelled copper wire (about 0.2 mm thick) on a 3.5 mm ferrite bead. Another, L4, is just one turn of copper wire (0.8. . . 1 mm thick) air-wound with a diameter of 8 mm. The fourth inductor, L3, can simply be bought. Any third overtone crystal with a frequency of between 25 and 30 MHz will work in this circuit. A number of suitable values are advertised in this issue. The only parts that might prove difficult to find are diodes Dl and D2. The ones stated in the parts list are available at the moment but do not give up hope if your corner shop does not have them. The only important thing is that they must be UHF Schottky diodes; the actual type number is of little consequence.Parts list
R1, R2 = 4k7
R3, R4 = 56ohm
P1 = 100 ohm preset
P2 = 500 ohm preset
C1 = 4mf7/16 V
C2= 10p
C3 = 220p
C4 = 47p
C5 = 47n, ceramic
C6 = 100n*
C7 = 330n*
L1, L2 = 3.5 turns of 0.2 mm (SWG 35 or 36) CuL on a ferrite bead of about 3.5 x 3.5 mm
L3 = 1 microH
L4 = 1 turn of 0.8. . .1 mm (SWG 19...21) CuL, air wound with a diameter of 8 mm
D1, D2 = 1N6263 (Ambit/Cirkit)
D3 = lN4148
T1 = BFR91 (Ambit/Cirkit)
IC1 = 7805*
X1 = crystal, 27 MHzd(3rd overtone) or other 3rd overtone crystal between 25 and 30 MHz
*= not needed if the circuit is powered from a stabilised 5 V supply