Transformer Based 110 to 220 Converter

Transformer 220v Converter Diagram
If you want to 220V AC voltage from 110V AC source, then a 220 converter that is known as the step-up voltage converter needs to be applied for this purpose. It is very easy to do, just by using a step-up transformer.

Measuring Power Transformer Rating

In order for your 220 converter is the right choice, you need to determine wattage requirements of electronic applications that will be used to it. If your device requires 220V 1100W to work properly it needs the current 5 amperes, then the minimum current required 10 amperes at 110V input voltage.

Because of the current in the transformer is influenced by the diameter of the wire coils used in secondary and primary winding transformer. The greater the wattage you need, the greater the form of the transformer stepped up / down.

Highly recommended for a higher wattage provided for 220 converter from the load device work with it. This value can be up to 50% larger for voltage converter transformers working properly.

