The project can use any camcorder in order to convert to a stealthy night vision system that is capable of processing visible light spectrum.
The portable stealthy night vision camcorder is made using a cheap black and white spy cam together with the cheap camcorder and a LED illuminator. It can record night vision scenes that have been lit by some type of infrared illuminator by feeding the output from a small black and white spy camera into a secondary video input. The proper input cable is needed for identifying both the external video input since most video camcorders allow an external video source to be plugged in. the CCD imaging system in the camera makes it possible to be used as a night vision viewer by seeing light that is not visible to human eyes.
The infrared illumination ring light is composed of 10 LEDs that are wired in series and powered by a battery pack that provides the proper voltage for optimal brightness of each LED. The LEDs are the exact same type used in remote controls for sending burst of infrared radiation to the TV receiver.
