The project is a handheld device capable of delivering a low current high voltage shock or charging high voltage capacitors by converting 1.5V into almost 400V.
The voltage from a single AA battery can be stepped up to a level that is 3 times higher than the voltage coming out of the AC wall outlet using the small circuit board from a cheap disposable camera. The circuit can also be used for other device that requires several hundred volts of high frequency power or make a small fluorescent light inverter.
By changing the single transistor to one that can handle a higher current or by increasing the DC power supply, voltages over 1000V can also be produced from this circuit. The output can be pushed beyond 600V by adding a second battery and by altering the value of the flyback resistor. The output frequency of the high voltage oscillator can be adjusted.
The real taser gun can fire an explosive charge of a tethered double pointed dart into the skin of the victim. This would directly attack the central nervous system with the high voltage bypassing the skin effect.