The IC 7805 provides circuit designers with an easy way to regulate DC voltages to 5v. Encapsulated in a single chip/package (IC), the 7805 is a positive voltage DC regulator that has only 3 terminals. They are: Input voltage, Ground, Output Voltage.

Layout IC 7805
Although the 7805 were primarily designed for a fixed-voltage output (5V), it is indeed possible to use external components in order to obtain DC output voltages of: 5V, 6V, 8V, 9V, 10V, 12V, 15V, 18V, 20V, 24V. Note that the input voltage must, of course, be greater that the required output voltage, so that it can be regulated downwards
Features IC regulator 7805
• Output Current up to 1A
• Output Voltages of 5 Volt
• Thermal Overload Protection
• Short Circuit Protection
• Output Transistor Safe Operating Area Protection
Data max IC 7805
Input Voltage........................................ 35
Thermal Resistance Junction-Cases (TO-220)40......... 5 °C/W
Thermal Resistance Junction-Air (TO-220)............. 65 °C/W
Operating Temperature Range (KA78XX/A/R)............. 0 ~ +125 °C
Storage Temperature Range............................ -65 ~ +150 °C.