advance DIY Jordan JX92S Open Baffle Speaker

Martin J. King of Quarter Wavelength Loudspeaker Design has added a new DIY open baffle loudspeaker project to his site. Martin's loudspeaker project uses a Jordan JX92S full range driver mounted on an open baffle in conjunction with a Goldwood GW-1858 woofer which is mounted in an H-frame. The picture below (click to enlarge) shows the new open baffle speaker design set up next to his Lowther DX3 ML-TL speakers.

DIY Open Baffle (OB) Jordan JX92S Speaker
As you can see, the enclosure is fairly simple and relatively compact (for open baffle speaker systems). The two-way dipole speaker systems covers most of the 20 Hz to 20 kHz frequency range. The H-frame configuration is used for the bass below 200 Hz and the small Jordan full range driver are for the frequency range from 200 Hz to 20 kHz.

As with all of Martin's loudspeaker projects, his latest is also very well documented and very informative.

