powered from 5 V DC electronic toss circuit

The circuit given here can be used for tossing head or tail. There are many games in which a tossing is required to start and this circuit can be used in all such instances.

powered from 5 V DC electronic toss circuit

The circuit uses two ICs NE 555 timer (IC1) and 74LS76 dual JK flip flop (IC2).The IC 1 is wired as an astable multi vibrator operating at 10Hz.The output of IC1 is inverted by using the transistor Q1.The collector of Q1 is connected to the pin 1 of IC2 via the push button switch S1.The IC2 is wired in toggle mode. When push button S1 is pressed the output pins 14 and 15 of IC2 starts toggling in state. The LEDs connected to these pins also toggles (Since the frequency of toggling is 10Hz, we feel both LEDs glowing).When push button S1 is released either one of the LED remains ON indicating the head or tail.


  • The circuit can be powered from 5 V DC.
  • Switch S1 is a push button switch.
  • The ICs must be mounted on holders.
  • The circuit can be assembled on a general purpose PCB.

