This is a circuit of 60 watt HiFi audio amplifier system using IC TDA2052 . The circuit is class AB amplifier which operates split power supply type with a maximum voltage of 25V and generates 60 Watt power output. Heatsink should be installed on the power IC to avoid excessive heat.

TDA2052 IC Pinning
The TDA2052 is a monolithic integrated circuit in Heptawatt package, intended for use as audio class AB amplifier in TV or Hi-Fi field application. Thanks to the wide voltage range and to the high out current capability it’s able to supply the highest power into both 4/8 loads even in presence of poor supply regulation. The built in Muting/Stand-by function simplifies the remote operations avoiding also switching on-off noises
Absolute Maximum Ratings of IC TDA2052
DC Supply Voltage : ±25 V
Output Peak Current (internally limited) : 6 A
Power Dissipation : 70°C 30W
Operating Temperature Range : +70 °C
Storage and Junction Temperature : -40 to +150 °C