This simple circuit produces a beeping sound that lasts for around 3 seconds whenever you make a whistle. The CMOS Hex inverter CD4049 is the heart of this circuit. Out of the six inverters in CD4049, U1a is wired as an audio amplifier which amplifies the signal picked up by the microphone M1.The U1b is wired as a band pass filter with center frequency around 2KHz.The filter is necessary in order to pass the frequency corresponding to whistling sound and suppress all other frequencies .If the filter is not there, the circuit could easily get false triggered.U1d is wired as a 3S delay monostable multivibrator.The output U1d drives the astable multivibrator formed by U1e and U1f.The astable multivibrator is operating around 4Hz.The combined effect is a intermittent beeping sound that lasts for around 3S.Transistor Q1 is used to drive the buzzer B1.

* Assemble the circuit on a good quality PCB.
* The circuit can be powered from a 3V battery.
* IC U1 is a CMOS CD4049 Hex inverter.
* M1 can be an electret microphone.
* B1 can be a 3V piezo buzzer.
* Mount the IC on a holder.
* The duration of beeping can be adjusted by varying the components C4 and R9.