Arduino 7-segment display counter circuit schematic with explanation


This is a circuit 0-9 simple meter built using Arduino! Here, a common cathode 7-segment LED display is connected to Arduino to display the numbers. 
The code (Arduino sketch) press allows the meter increment button from 0 to 9. 
The entire circuit can be powered by a 9V battery PP3 / 6F22 standard, or any suitable Arduino adapter.

Arduino 7-segment display counter circuit schematic with explanation

The seven-segment display is actually a very simple device. It is a combination of 8 LED (decimal point is the DP-8th), which can be arranged so that different combinations can be used to make digital numbers. Details of a type common cathode LED display 7 segments is shown here. Note that the pins 3 and 8 of the display is at the terminals of the cathode.

Arduino 7-segment display counter circuit schematic with explanation

Arduino diagram:

Just follow the circuit diagram to make the whole project. 
Pins Arduino 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 should go to see the pins 7, 6, 4, 2, 1, 9 and 10 in the correct order. If in doubt, consult this chart. Press the switch (S1) is the entry point to pin 9 of the Arduino.

Arduino 7-segment display counter circuit schematic with explanation

Log display pin directly on Arduino pin I / O is not a good practice. For testing purposes only a resistance of 330 ohms (R2) is added between the ground rail (0 V) and the common cathode of pins (3 and 8). It is best to directly connect pins 3 and 8 of the screen to the ground rail. Then add a 330 ohm resistor between each of the other connections to the Arduino. Arduino 7-segment display code:

Arduino 7-segment display counter circuit schematic with explanation
