CHART METAL DETECTOR circuit schematic with explanation



CHART METAL DETECTOR circuit schematic with explanation

This device serves to identify a metal some dimension at a distance of about 8-10 cm.
CHART METAL DETECTOR circuit schematic with explanation

One of its main use is that to detect the presence of metallic tubes (water. Gas, electric cable etc.). The identification of these is very useful when you have to break or fix nails on the walls. Each time a detection is performed, you must calibrate the device in the following way: 1) Keep the device away parts Metal 2) Turn the potentiometer P completely right, red LED 3) Turn the potentiometer clockwise until the RED LED turns off and the GREEN LED will light up. The delecteur is then ready to be used . Do not forget that it will from time to time repeat the calibration. Whenever the sensor observed the presence of metal, the RED LED lights up and goes off GREEN. The LI and L2 coils, wound on the ferrite bar, will be carried out carefully following the instructions of the scheme carefully. Two single 9 Volt batteries are enough to power the system. To lock the device, it is recommended that you DO NOT use metalque boxes. For mounting of components, to refer to the scheme practical implementation.

LIST OF ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS: All resistors are of 1/4 watt unless statedconlraire. R = 1 Mohm R2 = 47kOhms R3 = 1 Kohm R4 = 330 Ohms R5 = 330 Ohms PI = 10 ohms CI = 1 nF ceramic C2 = 0, 1 IIF ceramic C3 = 0.1 uF ceramic C4 = 0.1 uF ceramic C5 - 47 nF ceramic C6 = 0,22uFpol. D1 = M117 D2 = AA117 DL1 = Red LedDL2 = LedVerte IC1 = UA741 T1 = BC237 Wire diam 0.3 mm lFerritede8X10 1 support 8-pin 2 clips for 9 V battery
