With this installation, we open the electric gate of the house using a GSM mobile phone instead of the traditional remote control. Usable on any installation, it helps to make at least par with the various models of remote controls that fill our pockets.
The relay activation control unit consumes no telephone. Operational reliability is excellent thanks to the recognition system by identifying the person calling. Of course, it is all perfectly possible to extrapolate any command like the door of shared garage condominium or opening the door of a hall, a protected space with access reserved to certain people, etc. In ELM number 7, 30 and following, we offered you a remote controlled by mobile GSM. At the end of the article, we announced the professional version in a new implementation. The version of the assembly that we present in these pages, enables absolute operating safety. Indeed, to allow activation of the organ output (relay), this system verifies that the caller is actually authorized to open the gate. Only people who know the number to call and who have registered their own number can activate the system. But proceed in order and see what is and how our system works. The idea is the basis of this system and its application is very simple. Now, we have almost all mobile phones we use in its normal function, that is to say, to call! But why not usefully be used for many other applications.Especially if that exploitation costs nothing on the package, not even the smallest unit! In the application referred to in these lines, through our mobile phone, we can open the electric gate of the house or so More generally, we can activate any electrical or electronic device. The installation uses a GSM module with a prepaid subscription and microcontroller management system also controlling the output relay. The subscription can be the cheapest of the cheapest and even less if possible! In fact, the control system never passes GSM broadcast. So never consume any unit! The relay contacts of the GSM card, are wired in parallel to the relay contacts of the radio receiver used in the central gate opening. This central pilot motors and various timers. Therefore, the graft our system on the original no change. The original system will continue to function with traditional remote controls as well. The opening of the gate with the cell phone is obtained simply by making a call to the control GSM number placed in the center. Above all, it is necessary to to "learn" the system our own number in order to avoid a foreign person (with knowledge of control system call number) can open the gate. To save our own phone number in the control card, Simply place the GSM control card in "self-learning". To this, we must put the little jumper J1 on A and make a call.The number of the caller is thus stored in the SIM card of the GSM module. Of course, you must then remove the jumper and, not to lose the thread of a pin only. During normal operation phase, the number that call is compared with the numbers in the memory and the gate n is opened unless this issue is recognized and therefore it has previously been stored. The call will never have to answer (in this way, there is no consumption units or on the portable transmitter or via mobile phone) driver, but the active device normally the plant. One such system offers maximum security and eliminates the different remotes which we know what to do. The price of such a system may seem high for an individual application. On the contrary, in a collective implementation we can realize considerable savings. For example, consider a set of 50-100 apartments for single remote controls, there must be an expenditure of 20,000 to 30,000 francs between 3000 and at least and 5,000 francs per year to replace lost or damaged remotes. Our system definitely much cheaper and has an annual cost equivalent to the cost of prepaid card or a low-cost subscription. The only negative could be that of the GSM network coverage in the area of use because obviously if there is no coverage by the GSM network, the system can not function. Just take a look at the maps of the various GSM service providers, to see that these shadows are extremely rare at present. The system stores the phone numbers in the "phone book "(directory) of the SIM card used. Normally SIM cards have a capacity of 100 numbers and 130 numbers of times the same, which is more than adequate in most cases. The output of the system consists of a relays with contacts capable of breaking a current of 10 amps and that can run astable or bistable mode. The wiring diagramThe use and operation of the system is clarified, immediately analyze the wiring diagram. The heart of the device is constituted by the GSM Falcom A2 designated by U2 module on the diagram. For those who do not know this product, remember that this is a complete GSM Modem, certified, able to operate both in voice, in fashion data / fax. The device is characterized by extremely reduced dimensions and can be integrated within any equipment. The SIM, miniature type, is inserted at the location provided in the module. For connections with external circuits, the main connectors are two in number: a 40-pin located under the module and a 15-pin connector on the front. For this application, we use only a few lines of control, all located on the 15-pin connector. For indication, we connected to the pins 10, 11 and 12, which pins are connected to the positive of the power supply (5 volts). The pins 13, 14 and 15, all three connected to ground. Other connections are made at pin level 3 (SOFT ON), pin 2 (DATA RX) and Pin 1 (DATA TX). At the set on, the GSM module does not go into function as an it does not receive at least three seconds during a high level on its pin 3 (SOFT ON). In practice, it would push a small button like the one used for the ON function of mobile phones connected between pin 3 and the positive line. In our case, this function is performed by the microcontroller U3, more precisely by the output corresponding to the spindle 3. At the power on, this line has a high level for about 5 seconds and then back to zero volts. Still commissioning, the microcontroller proceeds to reset the output (pin 2) that drives the transistor T1 and the relay. If are the more mundane functions of the microcontroller. In fact, as we see on the wiring diagram the line output series Falcom A2 module (pins 1 and 2) is connected through the level adapter U4 to pins 4 and 5 of the microcontroller. Through these lines are taken every transactions the signals arriving: storing and deleting numbers in the "phone book" (directory), the comparison between the caller ID and the stored numbers, etc. As seen in the table in figure 6, the signals available on the 15-pin connector of the module A2 have an EIA level (± 12 volts) against by the microcontroller signals are TTL level (5 volts). It is therefore necessary to use a MAX232 to adjust levels. For a DC voltage of ± 12 volts required to operate storey conversions, it uses capacitive boosting circuit voltage which consist of capacitors C4 to C7. These are the unique external components required for correct operation of the MAX232. The operation flow chart of the main program highlights U3 microcontroller functions. When a call comes in on the serial line is writing this "ring", the the caller number and possibly the name of that person if it has been stored in the SIM card of Falcom A2 module. Above all, the microcontroller reads the phone number and then terminate the connection with a suitable instruction. In fact communication is not interrupted because no one has answered the call, only the call is rejected and the Falcom A2 module is reset.At this point, we can verify three possibilities depending on the status of the RC network connected to pin 7. The microcontroller constantly checks the state of this pin and behaves differently depending on its state determined by the position of the little rider: - "A" closed: performs memorization number from the SIM card. - "A" open and "B" closed: performs erase the number from the SIM card. - No jumper in "A" and "B": normal operation. In the first case ( "A" closed), the pin 7 'sees' a network of C8 and two resistors R4 and R5 in parallel (the rider A is closed), it predisposes then storing in the SIM card of this number on the series line of GSM. Naturally, before performing the memory, the microcontroller verifies that the number is not already stored in the SIM card directory. The finished writing phase, the program prepares to receive the next call. In the second case (B closed), pin 7 of microcontroller "sees" only the capacitor C8, so it moves to erase mode current issue. In fact in this case, read the number on the serial line is deleted from the directory (if present) on the SIM card. The third hypothesis (no jumper neither "A" nor "B") regarding the functioning normal. In this case, pin 7 "sees" an RC network composed of R5 and C8 and, on appeal, it verifies that this number on the serial line is actually stored in the SIM card.Otherwise, the device does not perform any operation on the output line and replace in order to receive another call. In case the telephone number is stored, the output is activated and the glue relay. The type of activation depends on the position of the cursor R1 trimmer. In the case where the cursor is fully turned to C9, we have a running astable type and the relay remains activated for about 1 second. Turning the cursor in the opposite direction, the time increases to about 20 seconds. With the cursor completely turned to the opposite position, the operation becomes bistable, with a call relay is activated and remains in this position until the next call and thereby disable the on. In this mode it is possible to use this circuit for different applications. Obviously, for use in opening the portal, it is necessary to turn to R1 C9 to get a short pulse every call. Figure 1: Diagram the control gate controlled by GSM. Figure 2: Schematic implementation of the components. Figure 3: Drawing printed circuit scale 1. List the components R1 = 4.7 kW trimmerR2 = 10 kW R3 = 5, 6 kW R4 = 2.2 kW R5 = 4.7 kW C1 = 470 uF 25 V electrolytic C2 = 100 nF multilayer C3 = 470 uF 25V electrolytic C4 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C5 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C6 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C7 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C8 = 100 nF pol. passo 5 C9 = 100 nF pol.passo 5 D1 = Diode 1N4007 D2 = diode 1N4007 T1 = Transistor BC547B J1 "A" = jumper J1 "B" = Cavalier U1 = 7805 controller U2 = GSM module Falcom A2 U3 = μcontrôleur PIC12C672 (MF279)U4 = Integrated MAX232 RL1 = Relay 12 V 1 RT Miscellaneous: 1 Support 2 x 4 pin 1 Support 2 x 8 pin 1 Terminal 2 poles 2 poles Terminal 3 1 15-pin connector 1 antenna connector 1 Antenna adapter FME 1 GSM Antenna 1 Waterproof Case 1 PCB ref. S279 Mounting and installation The theoretical description is finished, now see the practical aspect. For the installation of our remote control, we have provided the use of a printed circuit on which all components are mounted, including the GSM module. The GSM system is supplied fully assembled and adjusted, the only thing you have to do is set it up in a waterproof box (box kind Legrand) where the cables come out only for food, the one connected to the central and the antenna cable with the antenna that can be flat or pen model. The realization of the circuit will be the traditional way, photocopying or transparent layer on the drawing copper drawn to scale 1/1 in following pages. After exposure to ultraviolet ray, the ferric chloride etching and drilling holes in different diameters. But proceed with order and method. Most of the PCB space is occupied by the GSM module, set by via three screws.Through the 15-pin connector, connections will be made in the holes numbered 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. Be very careful not to confuse the son and avoid short circuits between adjacent pins. The mounting of other components presents no difficulty. For installation integrated circuits U3 and U4, use media by checking out the exact meaning of assembly. The controller U1 requires no heat sink because, at rest, installation consumes just over 40 milliamps and therefore the regulator dissipates 300 milliwatts. During a call, consumption increases by about 5 times, but only for a few seconds and for that the higher power dissipated by the regulator is negligible. Pay careful attention to the orientation of components polarized and check, before welding, all component values. To connect the power supply and the control unit, using screw terminals with a pitch of 5 mm. In order to function properly and get in line, the GSM module must be equipped a valid SIM card. The type of subscription is of little importance, this can be a free subscription with a prepaid card. Our system does not consume any unit because it does not meet any call. Before inserting the SIM card into its housing in the Falcom A2 module to disable the PIN code request.This can be done with any mobile phone (SIM card amount intended for the Falcom instead of the one already in place in the cell). After inserting the SIM card into the slot on the module A2 Falcom, put all within the housing, as indicated above, and place the casing inside the sealed enclosure in which there is the central controller and the receiver of the portal. Feed the circuit by taking the 12 volts needed in the existing installation and connect in parallel to the relay contacts of the relay assembly with those of the central receiver. In this way, the initial system (remote controls) is still operational. Also connect an antenna suitable for GSM module. In this case, it is possible to use a pen to mount antenna outside the cabinet. First, program your cell phone in a random access memory, the number corresponding to the call number of the portal. Then position the system to normal operating mode (J1, nor to "A" or "B") with a astable output (cursor trimmer completely turned to C9). Try to make a call. If everything works as planned, the system should give no sign of life since the SIM card memory is completely empty. Repeat the call after installing J1 "A". Also in this case the output will remain inert, but the number of your mobile phone will be stored in the SIM card. Now, remove the J1 jumper "A" and make a third appeal. As if by magic, the gate will open. The circuit has found your number in the SIM card. He recognized the call as valid and therefore activated the output relay. To allow other people to use the opening of the gate, just repeat as many times as necessary the previous procedure with the J1 jumper to "A ". To remove the right of use to a user, insert the J1 jumper" B "and make a call on his phone and automatically, the relevant number will be deleted from the SIM card memory. If, for some reason the phone is no longer available, remove the SIM card of Falcom A2 module to insert in a cell phone in working condition and erase the number in question directly via the keyboard. Conclude with a final opportunity. If a fixed extension user has not asked France Telecom suppressing the number display *, its number will be stored in the SIM card of Falcom A2. This opens interesting applications! For example: store the number of your phone in the apartment SIM Falcom A2 so as to open the gate in case of need by making a call with the landline home. Figure 4 : Organization Chart program implemented in the PIC12C672 microcontroller (U3). Figure 5a: Audit Sub-program of the caller ID. Figure 5b: Relay Management Sub-program. Figure 6: This table illustrates the functions that devolving lines / O front connector 15-pin. The control gate controlled by GSM described in this article uses a Falcom GSM module A2 whose dimensions are particularly reduced.Despite this, the module also includes accommodation for SIM. The A2 module operates with a supply voltage of 5 volts (the quiescent current is 35 mA only) and is able to connect both voice in data / fax mode. The module has two connectors for connections to external circuits, a 15-pin and 40-pin of the other. In our application, we used the available lines on the 15-pin front connector only. one can check three options depending on the status of the RC network connected to pin 7. The microcontroller constantly checks the state of this pin and behaves differently depending on its state determined by the position of the little rider: - "A" closed: makes memorizing the number in the SIM card. - "A" open and "B" closed: performs erase the number from the SIM card. - No jumper in "A" and "B ". normal operation In the first case (" A "closed), pin 7" sees "a network of C8 and two resistors R4 and R5 in parallel (the jumper A is closed), it predisposes then to storing in the SIM card of this number in the series of GSM. Naturally, before performing the memory, the microcontroller verifies that the number is not already stored in the SIM card directory. The finished writing phase, the program prepares to receive the next call. In the second case (B closed), pin 7 of microcontroller "sees" only the capacitor C8, so it moves to erase mode current issue. In fact in this case, read the number on the serial line is deleted from the directory (if present) on the SIM card. The third hypothesis (no jumper neither "A" nor "B") regarding the functioning normal. In this case, pin 7 "sees" an RC network composed of R5 and C8 and, on appeal, it verifies that this number on the serial line is actually stored in the SIM card. Otherwise, the device does not perform any operation on the output line and replace in order to receive another call. In case the telephone number is stored, the output is activated and the glue relay.The type of activation depends on the position of the cursor R1 trimmer. In the case where the cursor is fully turned to C9, we have a running astable type and the relay remains activated for about 1 second. Turning the cursor in the opposite direction, the time increases to about 20 seconds. With the cursor completely turned to the opposite position, the operation becomes bistable, with a call relay is activated and remains in this position until the next call and thereby disable the on. In this mode it is possible to use this circuit for different applications. Obviously, for use in opening the portal, it is necessary to turn to R1 C9 to get a short pulse every call. Figure 1: Diagram the control gate controlled by GSM. Figure 2: Schematic implementation of the components. Figure 3: Drawing printed circuit scale 1. List the components R1 = 4.7 kW trimmerR2 = 10 kW R3 = 5, 6 kW R4 = 2.2 kW R5 = 4.7 kW C1 = 470 uF 25 V electrolytic C2 = 100 nF multilayer C3 = 470 uF 25V electrolytic C4 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C5 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C6 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C7 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C8 = 100 nF pol. passo 5 C9 = 100 nF pol.passo 5 D1 = Diode 1N4007 D2 = diode 1N4007 T1 = Transistor BC547B J1 "A" = jumper J1 "B" = Cavalier U1 = 7805 controller U2 = GSM module Falcom A2 U3 = μcontrôleur PIC12C672 (MF279)U4 = Integrated MAX232 RL1 = Relay 12 V 1 RT Miscellaneous: 1 Support 2 x 4 pin 1 Support 2 x 8 pin 1 Terminal 2 poles 2 poles Terminal 3 1 15-pin connector 1 antenna connector 1 Antenna adapter FME 1 GSM Antenna 1 Waterproof Case 1 PCB ref. S279 Mounting and installation The theoretical description is finished, now see the practical aspect. For the installation of our remote control, we have provided the use of a printed circuit on which all components are mounted, including the GSM module. The GSM system is supplied fully assembled and adjusted, the only thing you have to do is set it up in a waterproof box (box kind Legrand) where the cables come out only for food, the one connected to the central and the antenna cable with the antenna that can be flat or pen model. The realization of the circuit will be the traditional way, photocopying or transparent layer on the drawing copper drawn to scale 1/1 in following pages. After exposure to ultraviolet ray, the ferric chloride etching and drilling holes in different diameters. But proceed with order and method. Most of the PCB space is occupied by the GSM module, set by via three screws.Through the 15-pin connector, connections will be made in the holes numbered 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. Be very careful not to confuse the son and avoid short circuits between adjacent pins. The mounting of other components presents no difficulty. For installation integrated circuits U3 and U4, use media by checking out the exact meaning of assembly. The controller U1 requires no heat sink because, at rest, installation consumes just over 40 milliamps and therefore the regulator dissipates 300 milliwatts. During a call, consumption increases by about 5 times, but only for a few seconds and for that the higher power dissipated by the regulator is negligible. Pay careful attention to the orientation of components polarized and check, before welding, all component values. To connect the power supply and the control unit, using screw terminals with a pitch of 5 mm. In order to function properly and get in line, the GSM module must be equipped a valid SIM card. The type of subscription is of little importance, this can be a free subscription with a prepaid card. Our system does not consume any unit because it does not meet any call. Before inserting the SIM card into its housing in the Falcom A2 module to disable the PIN code request.This can be done with any mobile phone (SIM card amount intended for the Falcom instead of the one already in place in the cell). After inserting the SIM card into the slot on the module A2 Falcom, put all within the housing, as indicated above, and place the casing inside the sealed enclosure in which there is the central controller and the receiver of the portal. Feed the circuit by taking the 12 volts needed in the existing installation and connect in parallel to the relay contacts of the relay assembly with those of the central receiver. In this way, the initial system (remote controls) is still operational. Also connect an antenna suitable for GSM module. In this case, it is possible to use a pen to mount antenna outside the cabinet. First, program your cell phone in a random access memory, the number corresponding to the call number of the portal. Then position the system to normal operating mode (J1, nor to "A" or "B") with a astable output (cursor trimmer completely turned to C9). Try to make a call. If everything works as planned, the system should give no sign of life since the SIM card memory is completely empty. Repeat the call after installing J1 "A". Also in this case the output will remain inert, but the number of your mobile phone will be stored in the SIM card. Now, remove the J1 jumper "A" and make a third appeal. As if by magic, the gate will open. The circuit has found your number in the SIM card. He recognized the call as valid and therefore activated the output relay. To allow other people to use the opening of the gate, just repeat as many times as necessary the previous procedure with the J1 jumper to "A ". To remove the right of use to a user, insert the J1 jumper" B "and make a call on his phone and automatically, the relevant number will be deleted from the SIM card memory. If, for some reason the phone is no longer available, remove the SIM card of Falcom A2 module to insert in a cell phone in working condition and erase the number in question directly via the keyboard. Conclude with a final opportunity. If a fixed extension user has not asked France Telecom suppressing the number display *, its number will be stored in the SIM card of Falcom A2. This opens interesting applications! For example: store the number of your phone in the apartment SIM Falcom A2 so as to open the gate in case of need by making a call with the landline home. Figure 4 : Organization Chart program implemented in the PIC12C672 microcontroller (U3). Figure 5a: Audit Sub-program of the caller ID. Figure 5b: Relay Management Sub-program. Figure 6: This table illustrates the functions that devolving lines / O front connector 15-pin. The control gate controlled by GSM described in this article uses a Falcom GSM module A2 whose dimensions are particularly reduced.Despite this, the module also includes accommodation for SIM. The A2 module operates with a supply voltage of 5 volts (the quiescent current is 35 mA only) and is able to connect both voice in data / fax mode. The module has two connectors for connections to external circuits, a 15-pin and 40-pin of the other. In our application, we used the available lines on the 15-pin front connector only. one can check three options depending on the status of the RC network connected to pin 7. The microcontroller constantly checks the state of this pin and behaves differently depending on its state determined by the position of the little rider: - "A" closed: makes memorizing the number in the SIM card. - "A" open and "B" closed: performs erase the number from the SIM card. - No jumper in "A" and "B ". normal operation In the first case (" A "closed), pin 7" sees "a network of C8 and two resistors R4 and R5 in parallel (the jumper A is closed), it predisposes then to storing in the SIM card of this number in the series of GSM. Naturally, before performing the memory, the microcontroller verifies that the number is not already stored in the SIM card directory. The finished writing phase, the program prepares to receive the next call. In the second case (B closed), pin 7 of microcontroller "sees" only the capacitor C8, so it moves to erase mode current issue. In fact in this case, read the number on the serial line is deleted from the directory (if present) on the SIM card. The third hypothesis (no jumper neither "A" nor "B") regarding the functioning normal. In this case, pin 7 "sees" an RC network composed of R5 and C8 and, on appeal, it verifies that this number on the serial line is actually stored in the SIM card. Otherwise, the device does not perform any operation on the output line and replace in order to receive another call. In case the telephone number is stored, the output is activated and the glue relay.The type of activation depends on the position of the cursor R1 trimmer. In the case where the cursor is fully turned to C9, we have a running astable type and the relay remains activated for about 1 second. Turning the cursor in the opposite direction, the time increases to about 20 seconds. With the cursor completely turned to the opposite position, the operation becomes bistable, with a call relay is activated and remains in this position until the next call and thereby disable the on. In this mode it is possible to use this circuit for different applications. Obviously, for use in opening the portal, it is necessary to turn to R1 C9 to get a short pulse every call. Figure 1: Diagram the control gate controlled by GSM. Figure 2: Schematic implementation of the components. Figure 3: Drawing printed circuit scale 1. List the components R1 = 4.7 kW trimmerR2 = 10 kW R3 = 5, 6 kW R4 = 2.2 kW R5 = 4.7 kW C1 = 470 uF 25 V electrolytic C2 = 100 nF multilayer C3 = 470 uF 25V electrolytic C4 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C5 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C6 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C7 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C8 = 100 nF pol. passo 5 C9 = 100 nF pol.passo 5 D1 = Diode 1N4007 D2 = diode 1N4007 T1 = Transistor BC547B J1 "A" = jumper J1 "B" = Cavalier U1 = 7805 controller U2 = GSM module Falcom A2 U3 = μcontrôleur PIC12C672 (MF279)U4 = Integrated MAX232 RL1 = Relay 12 V 1 RT Miscellaneous: 1 Support 2 x 4 pin 1 Support 2 x 8 pin 1 Terminal 2 poles 2 poles Terminal 3 1 15-pin connector 1 antenna connector 1 Antenna adapter FME 1 GSM Antenna 1 Waterproof Case 1 PCB ref. S279 Mounting and installation The theoretical description is finished, now see the practical aspect. For the installation of our remote control, we have provided the use of a printed circuit on which all components are mounted, including the GSM module. The GSM system is supplied fully assembled and adjusted, the only thing you have to do is set it up in a waterproof box (box kind Legrand) where the cables come out only for food, the one connected to the central and the antenna cable with the antenna that can be flat or pen model. The realization of the circuit will be the traditional way, photocopying or transparent layer on the drawing copper drawn to scale 1/1 in following pages. After exposure to ultraviolet ray, the ferric chloride etching and drilling holes in different diameters. But proceed with order and method. Most of the PCB space is occupied by the GSM module, set by via three screws.Through the 15-pin connector, connections will be made in the holes numbered 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. Be very careful not to confuse the son and avoid short circuits between adjacent pins. The mounting of other components presents no difficulty. For installation integrated circuits U3 and U4, use media by checking out the exact meaning of assembly. The controller U1 requires no heat sink because, at rest, installation consumes just over 40 milliamps and therefore the regulator dissipates 300 milliwatts. During a call, consumption increases by about 5 times, but only for a few seconds and for that the higher power dissipated by the regulator is negligible. Pay careful attention to the orientation of components polarized and check, before welding, all component values. To connect the power supply and the control unit, using screw terminals with a pitch of 5 mm. In order to function properly and get in line, the GSM module must be equipped a valid SIM card. The type of subscription is of little importance, this can be a free subscription with a prepaid card. Our system does not consume any unit because it does not meet any call. Before inserting the SIM card into its housing in the Falcom A2 module to disable the PIN code request.This can be done with any mobile phone (SIM card amount intended for the Falcom instead of the one already in place in the cell). After inserting the SIM card into the slot on the module A2 Falcom, put all within the housing, as indicated above, and place the casing inside the sealed enclosure in which there is the central controller and the receiver of the portal. Feed the circuit by taking the 12 volts needed in the existing installation and connect in parallel to the relay contacts of the relay assembly with those of the central receiver. In this way, the initial system (remote controls) is still operational. Also connect an antenna suitable for GSM module. In this case, it is possible to use a pen to mount antenna outside the cabinet. First, program your cell phone in a random access memory, the number corresponding to the call number of the portal. Then position the system to normal operating mode (J1, nor to "A" or "B") with a astable output (cursor trimmer completely turned to C9). Try to make a call. If everything works as planned, the system should give no sign of life since the SIM card memory is completely empty. Repeat the call after installing J1 "A". Also in this case the output will remain inert, but the number of your mobile phone will be stored in the SIM card. Now, remove the J1 jumper "A" and make a third appeal. As if by magic, the gate will open. The circuit has found your number in the SIM card. He recognized the call as valid and therefore activated the output relay. To allow other people to use the opening of the gate, just repeat as many times as necessary the previous procedure with the J1 jumper to "A ". To remove the right of use to a user, insert the J1 jumper" B "and make a call on his phone and automatically, the relevant number will be deleted from the SIM card memory. If, for some reason the phone is no longer available, remove the SIM card of Falcom A2 module to insert in a cell phone in working condition and erase the number in question directly via the keyboard. Conclude with a final opportunity. If a fixed extension user has not asked France Telecom suppressing the number display *, its number will be stored in the SIM card of Falcom A2. This opens interesting applications! For example: store the number of your phone in the apartment SIM Falcom A2 so as to open the gate in case of need by making a call with the landline home. Figure 4 : Organization Chart program implemented in the PIC12C672 microcontroller (U3). Figure 5a: Audit Sub-program of the caller ID. Figure 5b: Relay Management Sub-program. Figure 6: This table illustrates the functions that devolving lines / O front connector 15-pin. The control gate controlled by GSM described in this article uses a Falcom GSM module A2 whose dimensions are particularly reduced.Despite this, the module also includes accommodation for SIM. The A2 module operates with a supply voltage of 5 volts (the quiescent current is 35 mA only) and is able to connect both voice in data / fax mode. The module has two connectors for connections to external circuits, a 15-pin and 40-pin of the other. In our application, we used the available lines on the 15-pin front connector only.
The relay activation control unit consumes no telephone. Operational reliability is excellent thanks to the recognition system by identifying the person calling. Of course, it is all perfectly possible to extrapolate any command like the door of shared garage condominium or opening the door of a hall, a protected space with access reserved to certain people, etc. In ELM number 7, 30 and following, we offered you a remote controlled by mobile GSM. At the end of the article, we announced the professional version in a new implementation. The version of the assembly that we present in these pages, enables absolute operating safety. Indeed, to allow activation of the organ output (relay), this system verifies that the caller is actually authorized to open the gate. Only people who know the number to call and who have registered their own number can activate the system. But proceed in order and see what is and how our system works. The idea is the basis of this system and its application is very simple. Now, we have almost all mobile phones we use in its normal function, that is to say, to call! But why not usefully be used for many other applications.Especially if that exploitation costs nothing on the package, not even the smallest unit! In the application referred to in these lines, through our mobile phone, we can open the electric gate of the house or so More generally, we can activate any electrical or electronic device. The installation uses a GSM module with a prepaid subscription and microcontroller management system also controlling the output relay. The subscription can be the cheapest of the cheapest and even less if possible! In fact, the control system never passes GSM broadcast. So never consume any unit! The relay contacts of the GSM card, are wired in parallel to the relay contacts of the radio receiver used in the central gate opening. This central pilot motors and various timers. Therefore, the graft our system on the original no change. The original system will continue to function with traditional remote controls as well. The opening of the gate with the cell phone is obtained simply by making a call to the control GSM number placed in the center. Above all, it is necessary to to "learn" the system our own number in order to avoid a foreign person (with knowledge of control system call number) can open the gate. To save our own phone number in the control card, Simply place the GSM control card in "self-learning". To this, we must put the little jumper J1 on A and make a call.The number of the caller is thus stored in the SIM card of the GSM module. Of course, you must then remove the jumper and, not to lose the thread of a pin only. During normal operation phase, the number that call is compared with the numbers in the memory and the gate n is opened unless this issue is recognized and therefore it has previously been stored. The call will never have to answer (in this way, there is no consumption units or on the portable transmitter or via mobile phone) driver, but the active device normally the plant. One such system offers maximum security and eliminates the different remotes which we know what to do. The price of such a system may seem high for an individual application. On the contrary, in a collective implementation we can realize considerable savings. For example, consider a set of 50-100 apartments for single remote controls, there must be an expenditure of 20,000 to 30,000 francs between 3000 and at least and 5,000 francs per year to replace lost or damaged remotes. Our system definitely much cheaper and has an annual cost equivalent to the cost of prepaid card or a low-cost subscription. The only negative could be that of the GSM network coverage in the area of use because obviously if there is no coverage by the GSM network, the system can not function. Just take a look at the maps of the various GSM service providers, to see that these shadows are extremely rare at present. The system stores the phone numbers in the "phone book "(directory) of the SIM card used. Normally SIM cards have a capacity of 100 numbers and 130 numbers of times the same, which is more than adequate in most cases. The output of the system consists of a relays with contacts capable of breaking a current of 10 amps and that can run astable or bistable mode. The wiring diagramThe use and operation of the system is clarified, immediately analyze the wiring diagram. The heart of the device is constituted by the GSM Falcom A2 designated by U2 module on the diagram. For those who do not know this product, remember that this is a complete GSM Modem, certified, able to operate both in voice, in fashion data / fax. The device is characterized by extremely reduced dimensions and can be integrated within any equipment. The SIM, miniature type, is inserted at the location provided in the module. For connections with external circuits, the main connectors are two in number: a 40-pin located under the module and a 15-pin connector on the front. For this application, we use only a few lines of control, all located on the 15-pin connector. For indication, we connected to the pins 10, 11 and 12, which pins are connected to the positive of the power supply (5 volts). The pins 13, 14 and 15, all three connected to ground. Other connections are made at pin level 3 (SOFT ON), pin 2 (DATA RX) and Pin 1 (DATA TX). At the set on, the GSM module does not go into function as an it does not receive at least three seconds during a high level on its pin 3 (SOFT ON). In practice, it would push a small button like the one used for the ON function of mobile phones connected between pin 3 and the positive line. In our case, this function is performed by the microcontroller U3, more precisely by the output corresponding to the spindle 3. At the power on, this line has a high level for about 5 seconds and then back to zero volts. Still commissioning, the microcontroller proceeds to reset the output (pin 2) that drives the transistor T1 and the relay. If are the more mundane functions of the microcontroller. In fact, as we see on the wiring diagram the line output series Falcom A2 module (pins 1 and 2) is connected through the level adapter U4 to pins 4 and 5 of the microcontroller. Through these lines are taken every transactions the signals arriving: storing and deleting numbers in the "phone book" (directory), the comparison between the caller ID and the stored numbers, etc. As seen in the table in figure 6, the signals available on the 15-pin connector of the module A2 have an EIA level (± 12 volts) against by the microcontroller signals are TTL level (5 volts). It is therefore necessary to use a MAX232 to adjust levels. For a DC voltage of ± 12 volts required to operate storey conversions, it uses capacitive boosting circuit voltage which consist of capacitors C4 to C7. These are the unique external components required for correct operation of the MAX232. The operation flow chart of the main program highlights U3 microcontroller functions. When a call comes in on the serial line is writing this "ring", the the caller number and possibly the name of that person if it has been stored in the SIM card of Falcom A2 module. Above all, the microcontroller reads the phone number and then terminate the connection with a suitable instruction. In fact communication is not interrupted because no one has answered the call, only the call is rejected and the Falcom A2 module is reset.At this point, we can verify three possibilities depending on the status of the RC network connected to pin 7. The microcontroller constantly checks the state of this pin and behaves differently depending on its state determined by the position of the little rider: - "A" closed: performs memorization number from the SIM card. - "A" open and "B" closed: performs erase the number from the SIM card. - No jumper in "A" and "B": normal operation. In the first case ( "A" closed), the pin 7 'sees' a network of C8 and two resistors R4 and R5 in parallel (the rider A is closed), it predisposes then storing in the SIM card of this number on the series line of GSM. Naturally, before performing the memory, the microcontroller verifies that the number is not already stored in the SIM card directory. The finished writing phase, the program prepares to receive the next call. In the second case (B closed), pin 7 of microcontroller "sees" only the capacitor C8, so it moves to erase mode current issue. In fact in this case, read the number on the serial line is deleted from the directory (if present) on the SIM card. The third hypothesis (no jumper neither "A" nor "B") regarding the functioning normal. In this case, pin 7 "sees" an RC network composed of R5 and C8 and, on appeal, it verifies that this number on the serial line is actually stored in the SIM card.Otherwise, the device does not perform any operation on the output line and replace in order to receive another call. In case the telephone number is stored, the output is activated and the glue relay. The type of activation depends on the position of the cursor R1 trimmer. In the case where the cursor is fully turned to C9, we have a running astable type and the relay remains activated for about 1 second. Turning the cursor in the opposite direction, the time increases to about 20 seconds. With the cursor completely turned to the opposite position, the operation becomes bistable, with a call relay is activated and remains in this position until the next call and thereby disable the on. In this mode it is possible to use this circuit for different applications. Obviously, for use in opening the portal, it is necessary to turn to R1 C9 to get a short pulse every call. Figure 1: Diagram the control gate controlled by GSM. Figure 2: Schematic implementation of the components. Figure 3: Drawing printed circuit scale 1. List the components R1 = 4.7 kW trimmerR2 = 10 kW R3 = 5, 6 kW R4 = 2.2 kW R5 = 4.7 kW C1 = 470 uF 25 V electrolytic C2 = 100 nF multilayer C3 = 470 uF 25V electrolytic C4 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C5 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C6 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C7 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C8 = 100 nF pol. passo 5 C9 = 100 nF pol.passo 5 D1 = Diode 1N4007 D2 = diode 1N4007 T1 = Transistor BC547B J1 "A" = jumper J1 "B" = Cavalier U1 = 7805 controller U2 = GSM module Falcom A2 U3 = μcontrôleur PIC12C672 (MF279)U4 = Integrated MAX232 RL1 = Relay 12 V 1 RT Miscellaneous: 1 Support 2 x 4 pin 1 Support 2 x 8 pin 1 Terminal 2 poles 2 poles Terminal 3 1 15-pin connector 1 antenna connector 1 Antenna adapter FME 1 GSM Antenna 1 Waterproof Case 1 PCB ref. S279 Mounting and installation The theoretical description is finished, now see the practical aspect. For the installation of our remote control, we have provided the use of a printed circuit on which all components are mounted, including the GSM module. The GSM system is supplied fully assembled and adjusted, the only thing you have to do is set it up in a waterproof box (box kind Legrand) where the cables come out only for food, the one connected to the central and the antenna cable with the antenna that can be flat or pen model. The realization of the circuit will be the traditional way, photocopying or transparent layer on the drawing copper drawn to scale 1/1 in following pages. After exposure to ultraviolet ray, the ferric chloride etching and drilling holes in different diameters. But proceed with order and method. Most of the PCB space is occupied by the GSM module, set by via three screws.Through the 15-pin connector, connections will be made in the holes numbered 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. Be very careful not to confuse the son and avoid short circuits between adjacent pins. The mounting of other components presents no difficulty. For installation integrated circuits U3 and U4, use media by checking out the exact meaning of assembly. The controller U1 requires no heat sink because, at rest, installation consumes just over 40 milliamps and therefore the regulator dissipates 300 milliwatts. During a call, consumption increases by about 5 times, but only for a few seconds and for that the higher power dissipated by the regulator is negligible. Pay careful attention to the orientation of components polarized and check, before welding, all component values. To connect the power supply and the control unit, using screw terminals with a pitch of 5 mm. In order to function properly and get in line, the GSM module must be equipped a valid SIM card. The type of subscription is of little importance, this can be a free subscription with a prepaid card. Our system does not consume any unit because it does not meet any call. Before inserting the SIM card into its housing in the Falcom A2 module to disable the PIN code request.This can be done with any mobile phone (SIM card amount intended for the Falcom instead of the one already in place in the cell). After inserting the SIM card into the slot on the module A2 Falcom, put all within the housing, as indicated above, and place the casing inside the sealed enclosure in which there is the central controller and the receiver of the portal. Feed the circuit by taking the 12 volts needed in the existing installation and connect in parallel to the relay contacts of the relay assembly with those of the central receiver. In this way, the initial system (remote controls) is still operational. Also connect an antenna suitable for GSM module. In this case, it is possible to use a pen to mount antenna outside the cabinet. First, program your cell phone in a random access memory, the number corresponding to the call number of the portal. Then position the system to normal operating mode (J1, nor to "A" or "B") with a astable output (cursor trimmer completely turned to C9). Try to make a call. If everything works as planned, the system should give no sign of life since the SIM card memory is completely empty. Repeat the call after installing J1 "A". Also in this case the output will remain inert, but the number of your mobile phone will be stored in the SIM card. Now, remove the J1 jumper "A" and make a third appeal. As if by magic, the gate will open. The circuit has found your number in the SIM card. He recognized the call as valid and therefore activated the output relay. To allow other people to use the opening of the gate, just repeat as many times as necessary the previous procedure with the J1 jumper to "A ". To remove the right of use to a user, insert the J1 jumper" B "and make a call on his phone and automatically, the relevant number will be deleted from the SIM card memory. If, for some reason the phone is no longer available, remove the SIM card of Falcom A2 module to insert in a cell phone in working condition and erase the number in question directly via the keyboard. Conclude with a final opportunity. If a fixed extension user has not asked France Telecom suppressing the number display *, its number will be stored in the SIM card of Falcom A2. This opens interesting applications! For example: store the number of your phone in the apartment SIM Falcom A2 so as to open the gate in case of need by making a call with the landline home. Figure 4 : Organization Chart program implemented in the PIC12C672 microcontroller (U3). Figure 5a: Audit Sub-program of the caller ID. Figure 5b: Relay Management Sub-program. Figure 6: This table illustrates the functions that devolving lines / O front connector 15-pin. The control gate controlled by GSM described in this article uses a Falcom GSM module A2 whose dimensions are particularly reduced.Despite this, the module also includes accommodation for SIM. The A2 module operates with a supply voltage of 5 volts (the quiescent current is 35 mA only) and is able to connect both voice in data / fax mode. The module has two connectors for connections to external circuits, a 15-pin and 40-pin of the other. In our application, we used the available lines on the 15-pin front connector only. one can check three options depending on the status of the RC network connected to pin 7. The microcontroller constantly checks the state of this pin and behaves differently depending on its state determined by the position of the little rider: - "A" closed: makes memorizing the number in the SIM card. - "A" open and "B" closed: performs erase the number from the SIM card. - No jumper in "A" and "B ". normal operation In the first case (" A "closed), pin 7" sees "a network of C8 and two resistors R4 and R5 in parallel (the jumper A is closed), it predisposes then to storing in the SIM card of this number in the series of GSM. Naturally, before performing the memory, the microcontroller verifies that the number is not already stored in the SIM card directory. The finished writing phase, the program prepares to receive the next call. In the second case (B closed), pin 7 of microcontroller "sees" only the capacitor C8, so it moves to erase mode current issue. In fact in this case, read the number on the serial line is deleted from the directory (if present) on the SIM card. The third hypothesis (no jumper neither "A" nor "B") regarding the functioning normal. In this case, pin 7 "sees" an RC network composed of R5 and C8 and, on appeal, it verifies that this number on the serial line is actually stored in the SIM card. Otherwise, the device does not perform any operation on the output line and replace in order to receive another call. In case the telephone number is stored, the output is activated and the glue relay.The type of activation depends on the position of the cursor R1 trimmer. In the case where the cursor is fully turned to C9, we have a running astable type and the relay remains activated for about 1 second. Turning the cursor in the opposite direction, the time increases to about 20 seconds. With the cursor completely turned to the opposite position, the operation becomes bistable, with a call relay is activated and remains in this position until the next call and thereby disable the on. In this mode it is possible to use this circuit for different applications. Obviously, for use in opening the portal, it is necessary to turn to R1 C9 to get a short pulse every call. Figure 1: Diagram the control gate controlled by GSM. Figure 2: Schematic implementation of the components. Figure 3: Drawing printed circuit scale 1. List the components R1 = 4.7 kW trimmerR2 = 10 kW R3 = 5, 6 kW R4 = 2.2 kW R5 = 4.7 kW C1 = 470 uF 25 V electrolytic C2 = 100 nF multilayer C3 = 470 uF 25V electrolytic C4 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C5 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C6 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C7 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C8 = 100 nF pol. passo 5 C9 = 100 nF pol.passo 5 D1 = Diode 1N4007 D2 = diode 1N4007 T1 = Transistor BC547B J1 "A" = jumper J1 "B" = Cavalier U1 = 7805 controller U2 = GSM module Falcom A2 U3 = μcontrôleur PIC12C672 (MF279)U4 = Integrated MAX232 RL1 = Relay 12 V 1 RT Miscellaneous: 1 Support 2 x 4 pin 1 Support 2 x 8 pin 1 Terminal 2 poles 2 poles Terminal 3 1 15-pin connector 1 antenna connector 1 Antenna adapter FME 1 GSM Antenna 1 Waterproof Case 1 PCB ref. S279 Mounting and installation The theoretical description is finished, now see the practical aspect. For the installation of our remote control, we have provided the use of a printed circuit on which all components are mounted, including the GSM module. The GSM system is supplied fully assembled and adjusted, the only thing you have to do is set it up in a waterproof box (box kind Legrand) where the cables come out only for food, the one connected to the central and the antenna cable with the antenna that can be flat or pen model. The realization of the circuit will be the traditional way, photocopying or transparent layer on the drawing copper drawn to scale 1/1 in following pages. After exposure to ultraviolet ray, the ferric chloride etching and drilling holes in different diameters. But proceed with order and method. Most of the PCB space is occupied by the GSM module, set by via three screws.Through the 15-pin connector, connections will be made in the holes numbered 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. Be very careful not to confuse the son and avoid short circuits between adjacent pins. The mounting of other components presents no difficulty. For installation integrated circuits U3 and U4, use media by checking out the exact meaning of assembly. The controller U1 requires no heat sink because, at rest, installation consumes just over 40 milliamps and therefore the regulator dissipates 300 milliwatts. During a call, consumption increases by about 5 times, but only for a few seconds and for that the higher power dissipated by the regulator is negligible. Pay careful attention to the orientation of components polarized and check, before welding, all component values. To connect the power supply and the control unit, using screw terminals with a pitch of 5 mm. In order to function properly and get in line, the GSM module must be equipped a valid SIM card. The type of subscription is of little importance, this can be a free subscription with a prepaid card. Our system does not consume any unit because it does not meet any call. Before inserting the SIM card into its housing in the Falcom A2 module to disable the PIN code request.This can be done with any mobile phone (SIM card amount intended for the Falcom instead of the one already in place in the cell). After inserting the SIM card into the slot on the module A2 Falcom, put all within the housing, as indicated above, and place the casing inside the sealed enclosure in which there is the central controller and the receiver of the portal. Feed the circuit by taking the 12 volts needed in the existing installation and connect in parallel to the relay contacts of the relay assembly with those of the central receiver. In this way, the initial system (remote controls) is still operational. Also connect an antenna suitable for GSM module. In this case, it is possible to use a pen to mount antenna outside the cabinet. First, program your cell phone in a random access memory, the number corresponding to the call number of the portal. Then position the system to normal operating mode (J1, nor to "A" or "B") with a astable output (cursor trimmer completely turned to C9). Try to make a call. If everything works as planned, the system should give no sign of life since the SIM card memory is completely empty. Repeat the call after installing J1 "A". Also in this case the output will remain inert, but the number of your mobile phone will be stored in the SIM card. Now, remove the J1 jumper "A" and make a third appeal. As if by magic, the gate will open. The circuit has found your number in the SIM card. He recognized the call as valid and therefore activated the output relay. To allow other people to use the opening of the gate, just repeat as many times as necessary the previous procedure with the J1 jumper to "A ". To remove the right of use to a user, insert the J1 jumper" B "and make a call on his phone and automatically, the relevant number will be deleted from the SIM card memory. If, for some reason the phone is no longer available, remove the SIM card of Falcom A2 module to insert in a cell phone in working condition and erase the number in question directly via the keyboard. Conclude with a final opportunity. If a fixed extension user has not asked France Telecom suppressing the number display *, its number will be stored in the SIM card of Falcom A2. This opens interesting applications! For example: store the number of your phone in the apartment SIM Falcom A2 so as to open the gate in case of need by making a call with the landline home. Figure 4 : Organization Chart program implemented in the PIC12C672 microcontroller (U3). Figure 5a: Audit Sub-program of the caller ID. Figure 5b: Relay Management Sub-program. Figure 6: This table illustrates the functions that devolving lines / O front connector 15-pin. The control gate controlled by GSM described in this article uses a Falcom GSM module A2 whose dimensions are particularly reduced.Despite this, the module also includes accommodation for SIM. The A2 module operates with a supply voltage of 5 volts (the quiescent current is 35 mA only) and is able to connect both voice in data / fax mode. The module has two connectors for connections to external circuits, a 15-pin and 40-pin of the other. In our application, we used the available lines on the 15-pin front connector only. one can check three options depending on the status of the RC network connected to pin 7. The microcontroller constantly checks the state of this pin and behaves differently depending on its state determined by the position of the little rider: - "A" closed: makes memorizing the number in the SIM card. - "A" open and "B" closed: performs erase the number from the SIM card. - No jumper in "A" and "B ". normal operation In the first case (" A "closed), pin 7" sees "a network of C8 and two resistors R4 and R5 in parallel (the jumper A is closed), it predisposes then to storing in the SIM card of this number in the series of GSM. Naturally, before performing the memory, the microcontroller verifies that the number is not already stored in the SIM card directory. The finished writing phase, the program prepares to receive the next call. In the second case (B closed), pin 7 of microcontroller "sees" only the capacitor C8, so it moves to erase mode current issue. In fact in this case, read the number on the serial line is deleted from the directory (if present) on the SIM card. The third hypothesis (no jumper neither "A" nor "B") regarding the functioning normal. In this case, pin 7 "sees" an RC network composed of R5 and C8 and, on appeal, it verifies that this number on the serial line is actually stored in the SIM card. Otherwise, the device does not perform any operation on the output line and replace in order to receive another call. In case the telephone number is stored, the output is activated and the glue relay.The type of activation depends on the position of the cursor R1 trimmer. In the case where the cursor is fully turned to C9, we have a running astable type and the relay remains activated for about 1 second. Turning the cursor in the opposite direction, the time increases to about 20 seconds. With the cursor completely turned to the opposite position, the operation becomes bistable, with a call relay is activated and remains in this position until the next call and thereby disable the on. In this mode it is possible to use this circuit for different applications. Obviously, for use in opening the portal, it is necessary to turn to R1 C9 to get a short pulse every call. Figure 1: Diagram the control gate controlled by GSM. Figure 2: Schematic implementation of the components. Figure 3: Drawing printed circuit scale 1. List the components R1 = 4.7 kW trimmerR2 = 10 kW R3 = 5, 6 kW R4 = 2.2 kW R5 = 4.7 kW C1 = 470 uF 25 V electrolytic C2 = 100 nF multilayer C3 = 470 uF 25V electrolytic C4 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C5 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C6 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C7 = 1 uF 63 V electrolytic C8 = 100 nF pol. passo 5 C9 = 100 nF pol.passo 5 D1 = Diode 1N4007 D2 = diode 1N4007 T1 = Transistor BC547B J1 "A" = jumper J1 "B" = Cavalier U1 = 7805 controller U2 = GSM module Falcom A2 U3 = μcontrôleur PIC12C672 (MF279)U4 = Integrated MAX232 RL1 = Relay 12 V 1 RT Miscellaneous: 1 Support 2 x 4 pin 1 Support 2 x 8 pin 1 Terminal 2 poles 2 poles Terminal 3 1 15-pin connector 1 antenna connector 1 Antenna adapter FME 1 GSM Antenna 1 Waterproof Case 1 PCB ref. S279 Mounting and installation The theoretical description is finished, now see the practical aspect. For the installation of our remote control, we have provided the use of a printed circuit on which all components are mounted, including the GSM module. The GSM system is supplied fully assembled and adjusted, the only thing you have to do is set it up in a waterproof box (box kind Legrand) where the cables come out only for food, the one connected to the central and the antenna cable with the antenna that can be flat or pen model. The realization of the circuit will be the traditional way, photocopying or transparent layer on the drawing copper drawn to scale 1/1 in following pages. After exposure to ultraviolet ray, the ferric chloride etching and drilling holes in different diameters. But proceed with order and method. Most of the PCB space is occupied by the GSM module, set by via three screws.Through the 15-pin connector, connections will be made in the holes numbered 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. Be very careful not to confuse the son and avoid short circuits between adjacent pins. The mounting of other components presents no difficulty. For installation integrated circuits U3 and U4, use media by checking out the exact meaning of assembly. The controller U1 requires no heat sink because, at rest, installation consumes just over 40 milliamps and therefore the regulator dissipates 300 milliwatts. During a call, consumption increases by about 5 times, but only for a few seconds and for that the higher power dissipated by the regulator is negligible. Pay careful attention to the orientation of components polarized and check, before welding, all component values. To connect the power supply and the control unit, using screw terminals with a pitch of 5 mm. In order to function properly and get in line, the GSM module must be equipped a valid SIM card. The type of subscription is of little importance, this can be a free subscription with a prepaid card. Our system does not consume any unit because it does not meet any call. Before inserting the SIM card into its housing in the Falcom A2 module to disable the PIN code request.This can be done with any mobile phone (SIM card amount intended for the Falcom instead of the one already in place in the cell). After inserting the SIM card into the slot on the module A2 Falcom, put all within the housing, as indicated above, and place the casing inside the sealed enclosure in which there is the central controller and the receiver of the portal. Feed the circuit by taking the 12 volts needed in the existing installation and connect in parallel to the relay contacts of the relay assembly with those of the central receiver. In this way, the initial system (remote controls) is still operational. Also connect an antenna suitable for GSM module. In this case, it is possible to use a pen to mount antenna outside the cabinet. First, program your cell phone in a random access memory, the number corresponding to the call number of the portal. Then position the system to normal operating mode (J1, nor to "A" or "B") with a astable output (cursor trimmer completely turned to C9). Try to make a call. If everything works as planned, the system should give no sign of life since the SIM card memory is completely empty. Repeat the call after installing J1 "A". Also in this case the output will remain inert, but the number of your mobile phone will be stored in the SIM card. Now, remove the J1 jumper "A" and make a third appeal. As if by magic, the gate will open. The circuit has found your number in the SIM card. He recognized the call as valid and therefore activated the output relay. To allow other people to use the opening of the gate, just repeat as many times as necessary the previous procedure with the J1 jumper to "A ". To remove the right of use to a user, insert the J1 jumper" B "and make a call on his phone and automatically, the relevant number will be deleted from the SIM card memory. If, for some reason the phone is no longer available, remove the SIM card of Falcom A2 module to insert in a cell phone in working condition and erase the number in question directly via the keyboard. Conclude with a final opportunity. If a fixed extension user has not asked France Telecom suppressing the number display *, its number will be stored in the SIM card of Falcom A2. This opens interesting applications! For example: store the number of your phone in the apartment SIM Falcom A2 so as to open the gate in case of need by making a call with the landline home. Figure 4 : Organization Chart program implemented in the PIC12C672 microcontroller (U3). Figure 5a: Audit Sub-program of the caller ID. Figure 5b: Relay Management Sub-program. Figure 6: This table illustrates the functions that devolving lines / O front connector 15-pin. The control gate controlled by GSM described in this article uses a Falcom GSM module A2 whose dimensions are particularly reduced.Despite this, the module also includes accommodation for SIM. The A2 module operates with a supply voltage of 5 volts (the quiescent current is 35 mA only) and is able to connect both voice in data / fax mode. The module has two connectors for connections to external circuits, a 15-pin and 40-pin of the other. In our application, we used the available lines on the 15-pin front connector only.