The system comprises two units:
muscle stimulator and timer.
Fig. 1 shows the circuit of the muscle stimulator. IC 7555 is wired as an astable multivibrator to generate about 80Hz pulses.
Using potentiometer VR1 you can control the intensity of current sensing at the electrodes. The brightness level of LED1 indicates the amplitude of the pulses. If you want to increase the intensity level, replace the 1.8 kΩ resistor with 5.6 kΩ or higher value up to 10 kΩ.
X1 is a small mains transformer with 220V primary to 12V, 100/150mA secondary. It must be reverse connected, i.e., connect the secondary winding to the collector of T2 and ground, and primary winding to the output electrodes. The output voltage is about 60V but the output current is so small that there is no threat of electric shock.
Electronic Muscle Stimulator Circuit Diagram
Electrodes are made of small, thinguage metallic plates measuring about 2.5×2.5 cm2 in size. Use flexible wires to solder electrodes and connect to the output of the device. Before attaching metal electrodes to the body, wipe them with a damp cloth.
After attaching the electrodes to the body (with the help of elastic bands on velcro straps), flip switch S1 to activate the circuit and rotate the knob of intensity-control preset VR1 very slowly until you feel a slight tingling sensation.
Timer Circuit
Fig. 2 shows the timer circuit. It uses IC NE555 wired in monostable mode. Initially, when you press switch S2, the monostable triggers and its output goes high for 10 minutes. Thereafter, its output goes low to give a beep sound from the piezobuzzer and lights up the red LED (LED2) indicating that muscle stimulation time is over.
Assemble the timer with a separate switch and a 9V DC battery in the same cabinet as the stimulator. Tape the electrodes to the skin at opposite ends of the chosen muscle and rotate VR1 knob slowly until you sense light itching when the muscle stimulation circuit is powered on. At the same time, flip switch S2 to start the timer for counting the time. At the end of the timing cycle, the piezobuzzer beeps. Each sessionshould last about 10 minutes.
Heart patients and pregnant women should not use this device. Also, do not attach electrodes to burns, cuts, wounds or any injury. Consult your physician before using this circuit.