- Arus listrik|Electric current (I)

I: electric current (in ampere)
Q: electric load (in coulomb)
t: time (in seconds)
Than the electric current magnitude have also have a direction (the direction indicated by arrow), which describes the direction of moving cargo electricity.
Tegangan|Electric current (V)
Electric current Work is needed to move the load of 1 coulomb positive from one point to the tip of the point the other end. Mathematically expressed by:

V: voltage (in volt)
Q: electric load (in coulomb)
W: electrical energy (in Joule)
Usually termed as the voltage potential difference between the two dots on a series of elements. For states marked with a voltage algebra plus-minus polarity (+,-) that point with the other point. As an illustration shown in the picture below:

A point means is 5 volt more positive than the point B or point A is -5 volt more negative than point B.
- Daya|Power (P)

From the above formula can be derived the power formula as follows:

Sign agreement to current, voltage, power, and concluded in the following picture

Image shows an edge if the element is V volt more positive towards the end of the other point, and if I enter a flow of elements through the end of the positive, then the power P = VI is absorbed by these elements and vice versa.
- Energy (W)
