This is a flashing LED that that is installed on the car dashboard, simulates the presence of a possible alarm system, thereby discouraging the eventual thieves.
Its implementation fonclion is fully automatic: with the motor lights up the LED is extinguished, the engine puts out the LED blinks. The power supply is directly taken from ['electrical installation of the car 12 volt and consumption maximum (flashing LED) is 20 mA only.
FOR INSTALLATION MUST PROCEED DELAMANIERE NEXT:. 1) - Connect the point C to the chassis of the vehicle (negative battery) 2) - Connect point A to positifde the battery. 3) - Connect point B to the positive installation as key (eg the positiveof. coil) For those wishing to vary the LED flashing frequency, we must act on the R4 resistance: by increasing its value the frequency decreases and vice versa. For assembly of components and connections, we must be attentive to the implementation of schemes indications.
LIST OF ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS: All resistors are of 1/4 watt unless statedotherwise. R = 2,2Kohms R2 = 220 ohms R3 = lKohm R4 = 33 ohms R5 = 560 Ohms CI = 100 nFceramique. C2 = 100 nFceramique. C3 = 4,7uF16Velec. C4-4,7uF16Velec.Dl = 1N4007 D2 = 1N4007 DZL = 10 volt zener DL1 Red LED = T1 = BC304 IC1 NE555 = 1 Support 8-pin
This is a flashing LED that that is installed on the car dashboard, simulates the presence of a possible alarm system, thereby discouraging the eventual thieves.
Its implementation fonclion is fully automatic: with the motor lights up the LED is extinguished, the engine puts out the LED blinks. The power supply is directly taken from ['electrical installation of the car 12 volt and consumption maximum (flashing LED) is 20 mA only.
FOR INSTALLATION MUST PROCEED DELAMANIERE NEXT:. 1) - Connect the point C to the chassis of the vehicle (negative battery) 2) - Connect point A to positifde the battery. 3) - Connect point B to the positive installation as key (eg the positiveof. coil) For those wishing to vary the LED flashing frequency, we must act on the R4 resistance: by increasing its value the frequency decreases and vice versa. For assembly of components and connections, we must be attentive to the implementation of schemes indications.
LIST OF ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS: All resistors are of 1/4 watt unless statedotherwise. R = 2,2Kohms R2 = 220 ohms R3 = lKohm R4 = 33 ohms R5 = 560 Ohms CI = 100 nFceramique. C2 = 100 nFceramique. C3 = 4,7uF16Velec. C4-4,7uF16Velec.Dl = 1N4007 D2 = 1N4007 DZL = 10 volt zener DL1 Red LED = T1 = BC304 IC1 NE555 = 1 Support 8-pin